Canopé is a network for pedagogical creation and support.

It is a public structure related to the French Ministry of Education, which designs, produces and distributes multi-format and transmedia educational resources to meet the needs of the educational community: teachers, school librarians, managerial staff, students, parents, associations and educational and political local authorities.

Canopé provides high-performance teams and services in order to contribute to rethink learning in schools, help further the digital revolution inside our school system, guide teaching personnel through the digital conversion of their activities and ensure success for all of our students and pupils.

The “Atelier Canopé 42” is one of the hundred workshops dedicated to education, that are constitutive of the Canopé Network, and are dispatched all over France.

Based in Saint-Etienne, near Lyon, the team yet has an atypical focus: for several years, the Atelier 42 proposes a multitude of resources and activities, which connect the fields of both Education and Design.

Since 2015, Réseau Canopé has contributed to rethink learning and living in schools. The team of mediators/facilitators trains and designs projects with teachers, partners and other kinds of stakeholders. From co-creation to action, by connecting cultural, scientifical, institutionnal and educational actors, Atelier Canopé 42 creates a set of services and products in order to have a social impact, for pupils and students. We try to focus on vunerable population groups.

SPISEY is really important for our organisation, by giving a framework for collaborations with politics and local partners, by crossing field experiences and research, and building a network on inclusive education in Saint-Etienne.

The referent group for SPISEY in Saint-Etienne is made with policy makers (“Cité educative” label, DDCS and DSDEN), local authorities (City of Saint-Etienne), school leaders, and researchers (IFE, IREIS, LISIS). Two schools are involved as partners and experienced fields.

The team taking part in the SPISEY project are members of Atelier Canopé 42:

Elfi Casanave oversees professional training for teachers and international projects at Atelier Canopé 42. She started teaching in secondary schools in France before spending several years abroad in various school settings. She holds a master’s degree in School Leadership and is interested in helping educators develop the personal and professional skills they need to build a thriving community.


Marine Bourlet specializes in collaborative methods and pedagogical innovation at Atelier Canopé 42. As a professional designer, she calls up creativity and the arts in support of living together harmoniously. For the SPISEY project, she has worked on defining the facilitator’s role within educational communities thanks to her leadership and collaboration with La Montat School in Saint-Etienne.


Guillaume Pike is the director of Atelier Canopé 42. He has been a social worker, specialized in childhood and education. He is particularly interested in inclusion issues and supporting parenthood. The SPISEY project is an opportunity for him to get some perspective on current French policies about social and educational inclusion.


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