South Denmark European Office (SDEO) was established in 2007 as a not-for-profit partnership institution and is a co-operation between the Region of South Denmark and the 22 municipalities in the region, employing a total of 16 people.

SDEO’s main objective is to create local and regional networks/partnerships and broad regional cooperation in order to develop and implement European projects, benefitting the citizens, the enterprises and other local and/or regional actors, in areas such as labour market development, regional development, competence development, enterprise networks and clusters, regional framework conditions, energy, environment and RTD.

SDEO has substantial experience in developing and managing European projects in close collaboration with partners from the South Denmark Region and has managed more than 20 projects in this way since its establishment in 2007.

SDEO will assist UCS with the project management and will act as the day-to-day international coordinator. SDEO will have the responsibility to co-ordinate the collaboration between partners, making sure that all meetings are organised, deliverables are presented and discussed as planned, that all partners participate actively as intended and the reports are prepared and delivered in time. SDEO will also ensure the European added value of all deliverables.

As SDEO is placed physically in Brussels, SDEO also participates in the organisation of European dissemination activities through its substantial network in Brussels, where direct access to local and regional authorities, European interest organisations, European institutions, policy makers and policy officers will be exploited.

Henriette Hansen has worked as project manager in SDEO (Former EU Vest) since 1999, and through these years developed and managed several European Projects.

She has through that period gained substantial knowledge within areas such as project management, intercultural dialogue and themes like social inclusion, health promotion, integrated care and eHealth.

Some of the most recent and relevant projects that Henriette has participated in as international coordinator are;

  • Co-creating Welfare, which is a KA2 strategic partnership focusing on the development of training course material to improve competences within professional practitioners working in the welfare sector, to facilitate co-creation processes together with citizens in order to develop modern welfare services.

  • FUTE, which is a KA2 strategic partnership focusing on the introduction of design methods and processes in primary schools and lower secondary schools. Design should be applied by teachers to develop, plan and execute their teaching, so that it becomes more engaging for the pupils.

  • EVARS, which is a LLP project, focusing on developing training course material to elder volunteers and provide coaching to local authorities on how to work more strategically with elderly volunteers. This project has recently been appointed “Good practice example” by the EACEA.

  • RETAIN, which is a LLP project, focusing on creating innovative and inclusive schools environments. This project has been appointed “Good practice example” by EACEA.


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